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Monday, May 2, 2011

Blasted Propagandas

Baru2 ni dunia dikejutkn dengan kematian Osama bin Laden pada 1 Mei 2011
Yang kononnya pelopor Al-Qaeda yg masih diragui kewujudan kumpulan tersebut

First off, just from piece of my mind, a theory :
"Al-Qaeda" yg dikatakn terrorist, kejam, jahat dn sbgainya sbnrnya tk wujud pn
Cerita fiksyen yg dicipta Amerika utk menakutkn penduduk dunia supaya dapat mengaitkn Islam dan keganasan.
Dan diorng brjaya sbb diorng yg kawal MEDIA

*Push this issue later

Media ni secara majoritinya, kumpulan org2 yg membuat fitnah
Diorng ikut je ape yg di beritahu dn membuat spekulasi sndiri utk menjatuhkn penentang diorng asalkn berbayar
Ugh, duit -.-

Kembali ke cerita Osama bin Laden ni,
Seriously boleh dipercayai ke kenyataan Amerika yg dh ternyata byk berbohong sejak kejadian 11/9 tu?
Dah jelas2 11/9 tu perbuatan George W.Bush with cooperation with blasted jews
Dah jelas2 WTC tu bkn dimusnahkn dgn kapal terbang tersebut,
*based on the way the building collasped, it is caused by bomb wired firmly in the building itself before attacked by the plane
Dah jelas2 canggihnya perisikan Amerika tu tp tk dpt kesan kpl terbang yg nk langgar WTC tu
Dah jelas2 org yahudi kononya "Cuti" pada hari kemalangan tersebut

United States Marine Corps di Afghanistan
The USMC is fighting a ghost in afghanistan
The USMC is searching for a "ghost bomb" - That is the WMD - Weapon of mass destruction
The USMC is wasting their soldier and money for an unknown cause

So here's the fact :
Kalau la korang tgk surat khabar an, diorng ade tunjuk pertikaian gambar yg disebarkn Amerika, kononnya gmba mayat Osama Bin Laden yg ditembak dikepala
Ugh, nmpk sgt photoshop la zzz -.-
Manusia tk bodoh la
Edit pn cm tk betul je, nmpk sgt janggal
  1. Mayat tu mesti berbaringkn, supposely bole nmpk leher Osama lau posisi gmba mcm tu
  2. Asal blur janggut dia? *Nevermind lah - Blur tu edit la kot - Needless to say - Judge yourself
  3. Dia ckp headshot an - Based on what I know, tu bukan kesan headshot kalau ditembak dr jarak jauh - supposely lagi teruk kesan dia, kalau headshot pn ditembak pada jarak paling dekat - senjata diacukn di kepala (Executional Style - Kekejaman komando Amerika) - Tu pn dpt dilakukn kalau komando berjaya menangkap Osama. Tp lau dpt tangkap, knape bunuh?
  4. Kenapa 10 tahun? Dari 2001 ke 2011? 10 tahun ni konon nk buat org percaya dgn kenyataan tersebut and nk tunjukkn la Osama ni merbahaya - Why would they waste 10 years just to kill 1 man despite all the technology they have? Propaganda. Nk tunjukkn la kononnya bahaya cmne pn tentera Amerika akan dpt tumpasknnya - Sekali lagi meningktkn kesangsian penduduk dunia terhadap org Islam, dan juga nk menakutkn musuh2 diorang - but the fact is Amerika yg takut dan diorng dh tnjuk ketakutan diorng tu
  5. Kononnya disambut seluruh penduduk dunia bahawa keamanan akan muncul jika meninggalnya Osama bin Laden - Sekali lagi media punya pasal nk buat org percaya Osama bin Laden dh dibunuh.
Yang aku pelik Najib ngn Hishamuddin ni pehal happy semacam je ngn kematian Osama bin Laden bile dah terang2 yg antagonistnya Amerika - diorng sendiri yg mencipta keganasan.
Konon nk tunjuk diorang ni "caring" la. Show yourself you BLOODY POLITICIANS -.-

Dunia ni mmg nk kiamat dah
Byk sgt fitnah

Just diingatkn la umat Islam tgh teramat lemah sekarang ni
Cube la perbaiki diri sendiri, dengan cara sendiri, bkn mengikut barat
Tu sume nk rosakkn kita je

Ugh, propaganda -____-"


pelesit budiman said...

interesting by ur way thinking....
this conspiracy theory already discussed by people all around the world since 9/11 ...they hve many version of theory conspiracy...
one day lately..i`ve saw some program that revealed the conspiracy about Freemason, bone n skull, illuminati and any else...at one times..they(tv crews) almost believe the theory conspiracy when they try to seek the signs of the simbols...but in the end ...lastly they have denied the conspiracy...they said that all the theory conspiracy just a fake and story-making only...at my points of view...the tv program is just a clue that the conspiracy theory is truth...because we already know that they control the Media and They are controlled by ....??? i think we all already knows....thats was my lil research about Conspiracy theory ...

Fath said...

Totally agreed.. This is the information era, who has the power of information, will harness the power to control the population

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